Carina overhears her parents talking about matching her up with Joshua Prewitt in marriage. However, Carina seems to have feelings for his friend William Porter. William seems to keep his eye on her continually and longs to have her to himself in a dance. During the dance William and Carina agree to meet the next morning for a horse ride in the country. It is there that William asks Carina has a suitor calling on her to which she says she doesn't and William says he will ask her father if he could begin calling on her.
When Carina's father told his wife about the desire of young William she was totally against the ideal as she had already inquired into his family and declared that Carina deserved much better than what William could offer. Soon Carina was brokenhearted at the ideal that she would no longer see William because of their backgrounds.
Soon Carina and her family visit The Prewitt's and learn that William is leaving to go chart a course for Joshua to travel. While there Joshua took Carina for a horse ride and told her that she should be with someone like him rather than William. Soon after returning home Carina received a letter stating that William had drown at sea. She was crushed and heartbroken at the news. Weeks following the news Joshua came to see Carina and to show his interest in her. This went on for months as they visited in each other's home. She had a feeling that Joshua was getting close to asking for her hand in marriage.
Not many months later, Joshua came calling and asked Carina's father for his permission to marry his daughter of which he readily agreed. Joshua then took Carina aside to ask if she would be his wife and she agreed to do so. They decided to get married in the fall after the harvest had been gathered.
Following their marriage soon Carina was being abused by William but was told to remain silent and be the good little wife and he would shower her with gifts and make her life pleasant. However, if she decided to talk about the events he would make her life horrible.
Soon Carina's colt was brought to her and the stable hand stayed for a couple of days. Upon a ride the following morning when she returned to the stable she found her husband and the stable hand half naked laying together. Again William accosted her and told her if she said anything he would have her put away as a mental case.
Carina was able to get away to visit with her family for a few days and upon her arrival back home, there standing on the steps beside her husband was William. Carina was so overcome with seeing William she faints. How will she handle this? There is so much she will now encounter.
Later she goes into town where William now has a law office and they indulge in sexual acts. This happens several times when Joshua calls Carina into his office one morning forbidding her to even leave the property unless she was with him or his mother. A few months later Carina finds herself with child. When Joshua finds out he is furious, as he knows it is Williams child. However, he will just convince William to leave town and he will be looked upon with even greater respect in the community with a new child. Joshua's attempt to bribe William failed as his law firm was taking root and he wanted to stay there and grow the business. Still within the back of his mind, if he stayed close he would get to see Carina even if from a distance.
A tornado came through the town and Joshua and his dad were both killed. After a time of mourning William and Carina got married and enjoyed sharing life together. They soon decided to head out to start their own life together where they wouldn't have to keep the secret of their child from others. Carina and Tommy were soon in a wagon headed out with William for their new adventure in life together.
I found this book to be a fantastic read. I really enjoyed the story line and the many adventures that came along the way. I was never disappointed and always looking to turn the next page for exciting enjoyment.
5 of 5 stars