Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Eden Relics

Eden Relics (A Zac Woods novel #1)

This book would be of interest to those who enjoyed "Raiders of the Lost Ark".  The author takes the reader back in time to a place where great artifacts are hidden and people have been on the search for years.  There is adventure, drama and action to fill the readers mind.  Going back to the Garden of Eden, the author will introduce the reader to the beginning of creation, Adam and Eve and something they possessed.  Could it be that this artifact has possibility appeared after all this time?
Looking under the Sphinx for the buried treasure has opera singer Adelina Patti on the hunt.  This is an adventure that brings excitement and treasure.  Also, Zac Woods is a character of entertaining notice that the author allows us to follow as he unravels truth that is facing not only his life but the life of the church as it is known.  Could it be that the information found could end people's belief systems as they know it now?  Many are alarmed at what could happen and how it could effect not only the church, but even the world.
Under the church altar is where individuals are lead to find pieces of this new truth as it begins to be unraveled.  There is killing and the desire to find the hidden relics before anyone else can.  When people are fighting against each other to come out on top you know there will be lots of trouble ahead.  The author leads the reader along this journey as you explore, caves, churches and other places of interest trying to be the first to arrive at the treasure.  If you enjoy a treasure hunt then you will enjoy this book leading you along the journey.
From the beginning of the book, where the author takes the reader deep within the confines of a cave to the end where Zac has enemies after him, the reader will find themselves wondering what the next cave, Sphinx or enemy they will find themselves facing.

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