Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sinner's Creed

Sinner's Creed

This is the best book I have personally read in 2012.  Scott Stapp, lead singer of Creed, takes the reader into the very depths of his life from early childhood up to the present.  From the very beginning of the book until the end the reader will feel engaged in Scott's life and what is taking place.  It is a book that was difficult to put down causing one to be stretched by seeing that the heart of an individual is so much more important than the cover by which so often one is judged.
Scott talks about his step-father and the abuse he suffered of such harsh discipline.  While all this happened under the name of honoring God.  Scott had a difficult time understanding how God could be so loving on one hand, yet through his step-father be pictured as someone who demands perfection and nothing less will do.  Scott takes these early childhood events with him to college where he begins to spread his wings and explore the world for himself.  It isn't long before fame, fortune and power take over Scott's life as the group Creed goes to the top of the charts and everything he seemingly ever wanted was happening within his life.  However, Scott found when you can't run fast enough soon life will catch up with you and he came crashing down.  The industry almost cost him his life.  His drinking had gotten out of control and while searching for reality and hope he found the lady of his dreams that helped to turn his life around.  Soon Jaclyn and Scott were married but she soon realized that Scott held many demons within him that caused great trouble.  While going for rehab and turning sober worked well for Scott one night he gave in and drank again, causing Jaclyn to admit him to the Betty Ford Center.  There Scott received the help he needed and his life began to finally turn around concerning the prescription medicines and alcohol he had been consuming.  
After almost killing himself and looking up to find two angels (his wife and mother in law) above him, he knew things must change for good.  He began the change with three steps:  "1.  Scott can't.  2.  God can.  3.  Scott lets God."   In these steps Scott realized that allowing God to lead his life was the only way he would ever make it.  This led Scott to realize his own "Sinner's Creed" and that apart from God he was nothing.  Today it is Scott's desire to share with others his story and help others realize serving God isn't about all the expectations of others rather it is just about pleasing God as you feel lead within yourself.
This book will stretch any believer to look beyond themselves, their church and to explore the hurts and negatives within one's life to see that God is bigger and better than we could ever imagine if He is only allowed to be in full control of one's life.  This is a read that will surely bless and encourage many lives.
5 of 5 stars

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