Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Genius of Ancient Man Evolution's Nightmare

The Genius of Ancient Man

Don Landis, general editor along with Jackson Hole Bible College, does an awesome job in dealing with the creation of man in their book entitled; "The Genius of Ancient Man Evolution's Nightmare."  Found within the pages of this book, is Biblical based answers for the beginning of the earth and how man has evolved. There are additionally terrific charts as well as pictures to make this book come alive with more than just the printed word. 
Listed within the pages of this book are also counterfeits that the author feels are in direct opposition to what God intended for this earth and mankind. There is great detail in how what God made for good has been corrupted and caused man to follow that which is counterfeit. There are details concerning the ice age, pyramids, ancient art as well as axioms that are listed to prove the writer's view of the material which has been written.
I found this to be a very insightful book and certainly deserves to be used in Christian schools and in libraries everywhere. I feel if someone is looking for more detailed answers of how man evolved and came to be at the point we are today, this would be a great resource to use to help one determine their own beliefs.
Author:  Don Landis
This book was provided by: Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group for my honest review.
5 of 5 stars

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