Sunday, August 19, 2012

Strategies: A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Journey

Strategies: A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Journey

This is a great resource for anyone wanting to learn more about chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.  This is more than just a medical book giving health definitions, it is a story of a lady who has battled both of these illnesses and have found ways to make her life better in the midst of pain.  
We see in the beginning of the book that after living for a few weeks in a fog that the author was determined to get her life back.  She made an appointment with the doctor and stated she was done with the pills and her physician stopped seeing her.  One thing she learned was to not depend upon a doctor, rather she sat out to read, listen and learn more about what was going on within her body and found ways to try and improve the symptoms.  Being positive and never giving in to the pain was paramount in finding ways to beat the intense level of pain.
Chapters 7 - 11 are very helpful and insightful.  It is here that she has some major transformations and begins to look beyond just the pain in search of something that would help her improve. She later declares that having these two issues within her life caused her to focus on what was really important in life.  She has learned how to spend her time and energy wiser. 
Later in the book there are summaries and strategies given that are a great resource.  The author also includes a place for the reader to write their own issues down.  Having a journal and recording what is happening to the individual is so important in knowing what to do to bring about healing.  
There are also sections for:  Medications and Supplements as well as a Resource Guide listing websites of help groups.  This is a very well written and insightful book.  it is easy to read and understand without getting bogged down in deep medical language.
I was provided this book from for my honest evaluation.  4 of 5 stars.

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