This is a well thought through information book. This gives both the consumer and small business owner much to consider concerning the possible need to apply for bankruptcy. The author lists the pros and cons associated with bankruptcy, giving the individual detailed information for them to make an educated decision.
This book talks about what may lead up to filing for bankruptcy and what one needs to consider. It also gives in fine detail the different types of bankruptcies that is available to help the individual move forward in life and get out from a debt that is unbearable. It lists what one must do to file for bankruptcy and/or the possible need to have a lawyer do the paperwork for you. There is the discussion of creditors calling and once the paperwork is filed that collection activity must cease. There is also the discussion of what to expect during and after filing for bankruptcy.
This is book that anyone who is in dire financial debt should consider reading to at least know what could be available to them. It isn't a get rid of debt quick plan rather a well documented book that gives detailed information concerning what one needs to consider concerning bankruptcy.
This book was provided by for my honest review.
5 of 5 stars.